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Seaside parliament prepares to host the delegates

Seaside parliament prepares to host the delegates Seaside parliament prepares to host the delegates IV Forum of the regional Legislative Assembly and Assembly of People's Representatives of the North-East Asia. International meeting of regional deputies will be held from 8 to 10 September at the site of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai. The main theme of the Forum: "The creation of favorable conditions for cooperation, joint support for the region." Their participation in the Forum confirmed to the Legislative Assembly of the Peoples Republic of China, Jilin Province, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Gangwon Province Republic of Korea, Japan, Akita Prefecture, Niigata City Duma, the Central Aimag of Mongolia. The Forum participants will discuss new aspects of regional cooperation in Northeast Asia, the metabolic processes in various fields, affect environmental issues. The audience will include an overview of inter-regional cooperation in Northeast Asia through the Tumen Initiative, a report on the development of Vladivostok as a center for international cooperation. At the end of the Forum, participants will take a joint resolution. Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of the seaside Dzhambulat Tekiev was a member of the Maritime Territory in the previous meetings of the Forum. He notes the following: "We must understand that we are not alone in this world and need to be closer to the neighbors. It is important, as our foreign counterparts lawmakers decide similar to our countries problems. Together, we find ways to accelerate the process of integration in the Asian region. APEC summit in Primorye and the attention that the state today, the President of the Russian Federation paid Vladivostok, said that the vector of development is aimed in our direction. We increasingly need to move in this direction. Regions should not remain on the sidelines. " Dzhambulat Tekiev drew attention to one of the most pressing for our territory in which the discussion will be continued at the forum: "I have recently returned from a trip to the Chinese city of Changchun, where the sitting of the commission members Tumen Initiative. The meeting was devoted to just integrate with transit corridors - discussed the creation of favorable conditions for moving through our country's freight and passengers. I think at this meeting will continue the discussion of these projects. If we bring them to life, our country will develop faster and more economically, and with the cultural side. At these forums produced important decisions, which in the form of initiatives can be sent to the State Duma. We understand the problems that we have, and we want to solve them together. " Forum representatives of the legislative assemblies of the regions of North East Asia - a platform for discussion and cooperation and mutual exchange between the participating countries. The main objective pursued by the regional parliaments of the CBA - to raise the level of economic cooperation, to give impetus to the implementation of important projects. First of all, we are talking about the development of international transport corridors, joint ventures, commercial projects, information cooperation, strengthening cultural ties.

Eugene Zhitnikova, RIA «VladNews».

Опубликовано:   4-09-2013, 15:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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