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Tomorrow, September 4 at 11:00 am in the library facilities at them.

Tomorrow, September 4 at 11:00 am in the library facilities at them. Tomorrow, September 4 at 11:00 am in the library facilities at them. Pushkin at the address. Svetlanskaya 55 the presentation of the photo album "Vladivostok - the way the event." The project involved 20 Vladivostok photographers, including both recognized masters Sergei Kozlov, Yuri Maltsev, so young photographers - Alexander tricky, Sergey Orlov, etc. They provided 393 images spread over 304 pages, due to the specific dimensions of the publication gives the reader a distinct the effect of presence. Some page spreads have a length of five feet. The principal difference between this album from other attempts to "hot" lighting of the historic Great Construction of 2008-2012 is in its conceptualization. Wonderful edition of "Russian Bridge" and "Pontifex", which was published back in 2012 carried the story primarily from the standpoint of companies, general contractors who built the individual objects. The album also publishing "Frontier", carefully builds on the achievements of colleagues in seven sections, described not only really visible on the 40-minute route from the international airport on the island of Russian, but also all of the major episodes of the five-year construction, to some extent influenced vladivostoktsev on consciousness. The narrative is like a close-range typical for business reports, local history narratives and lyrical digressions, and from a position of prospects for the future, the outlines of which have been identified at the APEC summit in 2012 reader is not glamorous-postcard-like image of Vladivostok, and disclosure of his role as the front edge of the large space and time, which are solved by the present global challenges, and experience comes the creation stories. The fact that the common people watched almost "peripheral vision" on the way to and from work, going back to her, now collected into a coherent picture that helps comprehension. According to the publishers, the album has to act as a mirror, allowing citizens to see what the special implicit knowledge about the place, which is not only a treasure vladivostoktsev, but their main intangible asset. The overriding need is a publication - in power and encourage community interest in the management of the city as a way of knowledge of this type. The album, published by the proposed "Frontier", is intended to serve as a tool for shaping the identity of the intended policy corresponding to the development prospects of Vladivostok, stated at the APEC summit - 2012.

Eugene Zhitnikova, RIA «VladNews», Alexander Ognevsky photo.

Опубликовано:   4-09-2013, 01:48      |      Категория:  eng news

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