The so-called "fake" - a cheap imitation of the original instead of the more expensive, once again, could not get past the Far Eastern customs. As the press service of the DVTU, during the customs control of goods imported from the People's Republic of China to the Russian company Ussurian customs officials found undeclared in the customs declaration and consumer goods. This track suits, bags for cameras and travel bags and bears the inscription of famous brands. The total amount of smuggled goods was 864 pieces. In fact the non-declaration of goods in respect of the importing company instituted administrative proceedings. In the course of administrative proceedings appointed expert on the study of intellectual property, which confirmed that the symbol reproduced on this product are confusingly similar to the registered intellectual property. Brought three cases of administrative offenses under Article 1410 of the Administrative Code Russian "illegal use of a trademark." Russian company brought to administrative responsibility for the illegal use of trademarks «Adidas», «Canon» and «Nike».
on January 19 this year in the village Fluent Border region died from pneumonia 13-month-old child. In the baby's death consequence accused the mother, 37-year-old dweller of the village, which...
Agricultural Fair on the Square of the Revolution Fighters on Friday and Saturday - 23 and 24 August - will not work in connection with the preparation and conduct of the festival «V-ROX» - the press...
As the press service of the Prosecutor's Office of Primorsky Krai, on the basis of the verdict of the jury, to long terms of imprisonment sentenced two men accused of attempted murder and aggravated...
This year, the program is complemented by traditional music theater: theater "Crossroads" will show in the hall, "White Horse" (Nerchinskaya, 40) solo performance of actress Ruslana Dedik "Mother...
As reported RIA Novosti, the new law "On Education in the Russian Federation", intended to replace the two basic law - "On Education" (1992) and "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education"...
The bailiffs went to the Kirov district of executive actions on the debtor's place of residence, living in a dilapidated building of the former dormitory. Bailiffs caught over the manufacture of a...
The Department of Land and Property Relations of the work on the distribution of 360 apartments in the houses located at Vladivostok, ul. Burachek, 7 and 9 - the press service of the Primorsky...
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