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September 3 all students began their studies in Palo new campus

September 3 all students began their studies in Palo new campus September 3 all students began their studies in Palo new campus on the island of Russian. Thus began a new, long-promised and long-awaited step of high school. More than 20000 students once housed more than 20 housing Palo. About that, what is the specificity of learning in a new environment, RIA «VladNews» spoke to Palo provost for academic and educational work of Igor conn. - Igor, creating Palo was used principally new system - to replace the faculties and institutions came to a brand new, bigger system of management of the university - and the School Department. What is the fundamental difference between the old and the new system? - After the unification of the four high schools in one when June 12011 in the Palo entered the Far Eastern State University (Far Eastern State University), Far Eastern State Technical University (FENTU), Pacific State University of Economics (TSUE) and Ussuri State Pedagogical Institute (USPI), it took a unified system of management of the new structure. You have to understand that each of these schools was big and before the merger and had its action-oriented. If FESU was a classic university, then, for example, FENTU was purely technical college. TSUE well trained cadres for the economy and the service sector - all this specificity should be taken into account when combining. In the end, all the structures included in the Palo been reformatted: overlapping departments and faculties have been combined into a single unit. If you analyze scientific and educational activities, the four departments of 308 universities have established departments of Palo 114 depending on the subject and focus, and from almost 80 institutions a total of 9 schools. Thus, the structure of the university has become more transparent and manageable. Director of the School, for example, actually becomes the employer. It is responsible for hiring and staff. He is personally responsible for the activities of the School. This is a worldwide practice. - Who's the most important person in the life of a student? In general, the management of the university starts from educational programs. So it was a big role in who starts with education and work with students - administrators of educational programs. A student after passing the selection committee gets it to the administrator of educational programs - the whole life cycle of further learning in all the years associated with it. A special place in the educational process of removing the head of the basic educational program. The head of the educational programs can not only become a scientist or an employee of the sphere. The head may even become a businessman, who was invited to the job. The tradition of modern western universities is that students come to study not only the specialty, but rather on the "name" head of the educational program. The head of the educational program has its own budget, has the right to hire their teachers, including - of the leading universities in the world. It was the head of the educational program creates and defines the ideology of education, forms the "trajectory" of the educational process in the next few years. And that leader is responsible for the production of high-quality student-specialist, including - his name is responsible for the professional who comes with a diploma Palo. Therefore, the installation today is - students must come to the "name" of the head of the program, not the program. And this is - a fundamental difference from the established forms, from the traditional forms of classical university. Another feature of the formation of Palo: each educational program is based on the base of partners - those for whom and training specialists with higher education. This approach makes it possible to quickly make changes to the educational trajectory to meet the current needs of the employer.

Alexander Ognevsky, RIA «VladNews».

Опубликовано:   3-09-2013, 16:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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