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At the end of August 2013 in the Nadezhda district police

At the end of August 2013 in the Nadezhda district police At the end of August 2013 in the Nadezhda district police received a report that the house was gone and never came back 35-year-old local resident told the correspondent of RIA as «VladNews» Senior Assistant SU TFR in Primorsky Krai, in the audit reports revealed that the man was kidnapped by two local residents - a father and son 54 and 25 years. Given the evidence, the investigating authorities investigators a criminal case on the grounds of an offense under subsection "a" of Part 2 of Art. 126 of the Criminal Code (kidnapping). The suspects confessed to the crime and showed where the body of the victim - in a wooded area in the village Alexeevka. On the body of the deceased had multiple injuries to his head and body, and traces of strangulation. To determine the cause of death of a forensic medical examination. Against the suspects at the request of the inspector remanded in custody. The investigation established that the motive was revenge for suspected what had previously been the victim of illegally clung to their house and beat the older of the suspects. A criminal case on this fact is currently under investigation.

Ivan the Terrible, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   2-09-2013, 18:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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