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Family benefits increased in Primorye

Demographic payment to those families in which this year had a third child, has increased in the Primorye Territory.

Family benefits increased in Primorye

In Primorye increased benefits for large families

Territorial Department of Labour and Social Development reported that large families will receive monthly almost 10000 rubles.

From the beginning, this was the third increase - before the payout amounted to 7500 rubles a month, and in June, it had increased to 9700 rubles.

The right to receive this type of social assistance have large families in which the child was in this year. In this case, the average family income must not exceed 21 thousand rubles.

For the new tool has turned more than 1100 families, according to experts of the Department of the demographic potential recipients pay more than two thousand. Employees Social Security invite families with children make allowance.

Family benefits increased in Primorye

Опубликовано:   2-09-2013, 17:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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