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Construction VKAD (Vladivostok beltway)

Construction VKAD (Vladivostok beltway) Construction VKAD (Vladivostok ring road) is now perhaps one of the most talked about development projects of the city. This is not surprising: the new route is designed to rid the city of traffic jams. On the prospects of shoot the breeze in the middle, without pressing on the brake minutely, dream all the drivers, but economists do not operate the emotions and concepts of the benefits and effectiveness. From this position they evaluate the possibility of a highway. Director of the Institute of International Business and Economics VSUES, Worker of Higher Education of Russia, Alexander Latkin sure that this project is extremely important to Vladivostok, taking into account the peculiarities of its geographical location. - Due to the fact that the peninsula Muraveva-Amur is very narrow and the motorway connecting the city, only one, the road reserve is necessary as air, - says Alexander Latkin. - The idea of building VKAD we discussed with the then chief architect of the city about 15 years ago - when the new born concept of development of the seaside capital. Such an experience is at our neighbors - in Japan. For example, from Toyama to Niigata is speed highway along the coast, where the waves reach 5 meters. And this road is perfectly functioning. Now, it seems, the case has moved forward and we have: something has been done for the APEC summit, such as the route of Patroclus - De-Friz - Sedanka, but this is not enough. In the past 10 years the city flooded with cars, it closely on the roads. The situation is aggravated relief - from a hill on the hill, and more specific maritime city, the center of which ports. They serve large trucks - only Commercial Port of Vladivostok (CPV) visit to the 500 such cars. That ply on the central thoroughfares through the city with a multi-ton cargo trucks, traffic stopper. VKAD, of course, greatly relieve the main highway Vladivostok, and tonnage trucks will go directly to the Egersheld where the CPV on Sedanka. For us this is a huge plus, and wish that this road is not built on the money of the APEC summit. Continued

Mrs. Matveeva, the newspaper "Vladivostok"

Опубликовано:   29-08-2013, 15:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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