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From 23 to 25 August in Vladivostok were "Days

From 23 to 25 August in Vladivostok were "Days From 23 to 25 August in Vladivostok were "Days of maritime safety," which was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of GI Nevel. In the meeting held on 23 August captains of sea ports of Russia, was attended by Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport Yuri Kostin, deputy director of the department of public policy the Ministry of Transport of Russia Vladimir Klyuev, chairman of the regional branch of the Maritime All-Russian Public Movement Fleet Support . The meeting discussed the certification of ships' crews, the general rules for navigation and berthing at sea ports, registration of ships and the rights to them. Discussed the conservation of marine tradition and culture of the officers of the fleet. On the same day the governor of Primorsky Krai B. Miklushevsky held a meeting on the development of transport infrastructure. Completed days of maritime safety, held on 25 August at the base of the Maritime State University named after Nevel scientific and practical conference on maritime security.

Опубликовано:   27-08-2013, 18:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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