Recall Moving students this year is going according to
Recall Moving students this year is under the new scheme, which has developed and is implementing management company CHI CAMPUS MANAGEMENT. The system has already proved to be an effective and well-built at all stages, actors worked their actions to automatism. Total management company raised for assistance during check-in assistants from among 60 students a year who have lived on campus. - In the opinion of guys like myself and think, the settlement went very well - says Sergey process rector Palo Iwaniec. - This year is all you need, we have reduced in the same building in a single chain: check-in counters a lot of work to avoid long queues here - payment and issuance of residence permits. The new scheme of settlement, as well as the work of the management company and assistants positive view of themselves and the students. - Everything is quick and very convenient - the check-in took me 15 minutes, - the 2nd year student of the School of Engineering Palo Umed Muniev. - This year, populated by a lot of students, but it all goes well: a lot of work stands for Registration, assistants are friendly, know their work and clearly explain everything. Very comfortable and what we started to walk shuttles that leads to the buildings. At the time of settlement of the students work Hotline 8-800-550-3838 call where you can specify the necessary information. For those children who are already living on campus, opened another hotline 201-88-88 - on the phone, students can request a troubleshooting and cleaning of rooms, to suggest an idea for improvement of residential buildings and grounds, as well as ask any other question. In addition, applications are accepted and e-mail to: [email protected]. Have already moved to campus students every night until September 1 on the waterfront of the bay Ajax will have a meeting with the leadership of the university and members of the Management Company CHI CAMPUS MANAGEMENT. In an informal setting guys can get answers to all the pressing issues, and to offer their ideas on the organization of a comfortable life on campus. After the meeting, the students waiting for a picnic, during which chefs campus treated dishes of different cuisines.
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