During the video conference discussed in detail issues
During the video conference the details of the rule of law during the voting process. September 82013 on the territory of 16 municipalities of Primorsky Territory elections to bodies of state power and control. The responsibility for law and order and security of citizens in the exercise of the constitutionally guaranteed right to carry out elections will be police officers. The leaders of the MOI of Russia for the Primorye Territory took part in the meeting of the operational headquarters for the prevention of crime Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. During the event, the details of the rule of law during the election campaign and voting procedures. The participants of the meeting were heads of territorial bodies of internal affairs of Primorye. One of the major problems to be solved by the police during the election campaign and on the day of voting, is to promote the election commissions in the exercise of powers for the preparation and conduct of elections of state authorities, local self-government. In a set of priority actions include ensuring safety of the precinct election commissions tracking transport ballots security at the precinct election commissions and election documents, assistance to the members of precinct election commissions in carrying out their activities, interaction with the local election commissions in the identification and elimination of violations of election laws . It is noted that to date undertaken by the internal affairs of Primorsky Krai measures to ensure public order and safety during training and the September 82013 elections in the municipalities of the Primorsky Territory, preparation of personnel for duty during the campaign helped prevent excesses and flagrant violations of the law. In order to ensure safety and prevent violations of electoral rights of a lack of cooperation with all concerned agencies involved in the preparation of the elections. Operational environment of the Primorsky Territory remains stable: registered 16 instances of violations of citizens' right to vote. Checks. Special attention is police officers are paying the preparation of elections of the administration of the city of Vladivostok. So far recorded three reports of violations of electoral rights, one of them as a result of checks initiated an administrative investigation under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation (Manufacture, distribution or placement of campaign materials in violation of the legislation on elections and referenda). As the head of the Interior Ministry of Russia for the Primorye Territory Police Colonel Nikolai Afanasiev, the offense during the election campaign will be strongly suppressed. Maritime police will make every effort to ensure that the residents of the province's voting day to feel comfortable and able to freely express the will of the voters who cast their ballots deserving candidates.
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