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Launched in Vladivostok 8th Biennale of visual

Launched in Vladivostok 8th Biennale of visual Launched in Vladivostok 8th Biennale of Visual Arts, the theme of which - "Art is closer." For two weeks, from August 21 to September 1 residents and visitors to the city offers a variety of exhibitions, performances, performances, video art, dance performances and more. - Dear friends, today we open the Vladivostok 8th Biennial of Visual Arts - made opening remarks the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev. - I want to say that in our city recently there are many important cultural events, and Vladivostok became the center of international cooperation. I personally believe that the city where cultural life is bubbling over - dead. Therefore, events such as the Biennale of Visual Arts, of course, necessary to Vladivostok. - All that we see at the forthcoming Biennale - this is no ordinary visual art, and the work that make not only record the facts, but to think and reflect on what they saw - shared with those present at the press conference, the Deputy Head of Vladivostok Elena Schegoleva. - We tried to choose only what is stylish, trendy and modern. One of our requirements in the selection of works has been compliance with the requirements of modern high. Organizers said that this time the Biennale involved not only the master of Vladivostok. Compared to past events has increased the number of invited guests. They were the guests of the neighboring regions - China and Korea. In addition, increased time of the event, if the last time the Biennale lasted 4 days, but this year to enjoy art in a non-stop will be in two weeks. - At this time the site Biennale will be open and will be mainly located in the center, so that those who work in offices, could run in to see the exhibition and video art at lunchtime, - says Elena Schegoleva. The 8th Biennial prepares the audience a lot of surprises: for example, the first time it will be presented to the dance area, which at the press conference told his supervisor Anna Marinchenko. - At the Biennale will be presented not familiar choreography and modern dance styles. The outdoor areas will be competitions in break-dance, hip-hop. In Vladivostok, a huge number of young people dancing and the culture continues to evolve. So a very big event will be the arrival of numerous world champions and Asian Breakdancing - Team «GamblerZCrew» from South Korea, which will give everyone who wants to learn invaluable experience dancers. Another view, which will be first shown at the Biennale - colorful 3D-show "The element of water." - Despite the fact that modern culture is more interesting, of course, young people, this show, I think it will find its audience among members of different generations, - said Elena Schegoleva. - We specifically show its August 31 twice, 11 and 12 pm, the show was able to see as many as possible come - shared administration official. Schedule of Events 8th Vladivostok Biennale of Visual Arts can be found at the official site of the Biennale - biennale.me in the group on the social network "VKontakte". Admission to all events Biennale - free. Launched in Vladivostok 8th Biennale of visual Launched in Vladivostok 8th Biennale of visual Launched in Vladivostok 8th Biennale of visual Launched in Vladivostok 8th Biennale of visual Launched in Vladivostok 8th Biennale of visual

Maria Pisarev, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   21-08-2013, 23:15      |      Категория:  eng news

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