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Together with the residents of improvement works pridomovoy

Together with the residents of improvement works pridomovoy Together with the residents work on the improvement of territory took Mayor Igor Pushkarev. In the courtyard of an apartment building, a multi-repair - installed curbs, new asphalt concrete pavement is laid, including on site laundry, and for the youngest residents installed a beautiful playground. Now come to the yard for a walk with the children of all the houses around here because there was a big swing set, swing, rocking on a spring rocker-style, and a sandbox. "It used to stay in the yard was very boring, and now my friends and every day we come to ride on a swing. And there was a lot of new guys - come to us from all around, "- shared their impressions guys. "It was very convenient to walk with young children, it is convenient to look after them," - said Catherine, who comes to walk to the playground with the little sister. Residents of the neighborhood thanks Igor Pushkarev for landscaped courtyard and playground, which appeared here for the first time in 37 years, and was asked to install an additional security guard for the kids. The mayor immediately instructed specialists will work out the issue. "Now in Vladivostok is a comprehensive improvement adjoining areas, repaired roads and sidewalks, and be sure to set children's playground, - said Igor Pushkarev. - Let your yard always sounds childish laughter. Most importantly, the site is preserved as long as possible and please you and your children, take care of it. " In addition, the mayor discussed the issue with the residents of major home renovation and development of the district as a whole. After acceptance of work for the neighborhood kids holiday was made: clowns, Carlson and children's creative team of "Dream" leisure center "Firefly", cheered by the music of great fun contests for the guys. Recall that this year in the regional center capitally repaired about 70 houses adjoining areas. In addition to 30 yards of new curbs and asphalt install playgrounds and sports complexes. Completed and accepted work on the street Russian, 35 of the Assumption, 106 Zigure, 22 Gamarnika, 19-21. Ongoing repairs adjoining areas along the street Karl Zigure, 12-16 Kharkov, 3 Nekrasov, 57 Tolstoy, 35 Tukhachevsky, 42 and others. In the near future the residents of these small houses will be able to ride on the swings, roundabouts and slides, as well as exercise on fitness equipment, horizontal bar and gym complex.

Опубликовано:   21-08-2013, 18:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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