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Before the new school year, there were 10 days, and many of

Before the new school year, there were 10 days, and many of Before the new school year, there were 10 days, and many parents are interested in whether to buy her children new school uniforms, or in their schools, it will remain the same as before: the light top - dark bottom. To sort out this issue, members of the media today were invited to a round table with Hope Vitkalova, deputy director of the Department of Education and Science of Primorye, which took place at the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Vladivostok. - First of all I want to say that the law school uniform is not, never was and never will be - at once dispelled all doubts Hope Vitkalova. - There is a federal education law number 273 which at the end of last year, was signed by President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, and education law in the Primorsky Krai, who on July 31 was passed in three readings and is now to be signed by the governor. The federal law, which will come into force on September 12013 clearly states that the form of the student determines the educational institution itself, unless otherwise provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. According to Article 17 of the federal law, school uniform is designed to eliminate the signs of social differences and psychological discomfort, improve the overall image of the institution. Also, it allowed accessories worn on holidays or pointing to belonging to a particular secondary institutions: the signs, badges, ties. - I personally "for" school uniforms, because it helps to carry a greater focus on learning and blurs the distinction in a different social level students - shared Hope Vitkalova. - Some schools Primorsky Territory for many years, adhere to this practice: school number 45 of the city of Ussuriisk, the first high school in Vladivostok, 41st High School in Vladivostok, the students who are bright logo, school number 6 of Vladivostok, where required to wear knitted vests and dark blue logo. For those schools where school uniforms yet, operates the old rule: wear a dark bottom and light top. The deputy noted that the adoption of a school uniform will be decided not only by parents and teachers, but also by the students themselves, to believe that, in the words of Hope Vitkalova will listen. However, whether this will actually be is anyone's guess. As for the overall appearance of the students, some rules on the matter stated in the regional law: according to him, the appearance of the student must conform to generally accepted standards of business style, decorations are not permitted to traumatic accessories, symbols of drugs, etc. Overall, the school uniform should be neat, safe and aesthetically pleasing. - If a student does not want to wear a school uniform which, it can not serve as a reason for his exclusion, because the educational institution in any case obliged to provide general education - said Nadezhda Vitkalova. - But in this case, the student's parents must be made a serious educational work that is still going to affect the lackadaisical student.

Maria Pisarev, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   20-08-2013, 23:33      |      Категория:  eng news

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