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The cooperation agreement signed by the head Minvostokrazvitiya

The cooperation agreement signed by the head Minvostokrazvitiya The cooperation agreement signed by the head of Russia Viktor Ishayev Minvostokrazvitiya and president of CDB Zheng Zhijie, involves the participation of the Chinese bank in the financing of investment projects in the Russian Far East and the development of mutually beneficial investment cooperation. First of all we are talking about financial support priority projects in the framework of the State program of socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region until 2025 and the program of cooperation between the regions of the Far East and Eastern Siberia, the Russian Federation and the North-East of China until 2018. "We propose the implementation of infrastructure projects - the construction of ports, airports, roads, bridges, railways, power and heating systems, water supply systems, community facilities and sports use, housing, the creation of new technological and environmentally friendly industries, telecommunications technology" - said Victor Ishayev, commenting on the results of the meeting with the president of CDB. According to him, first of all interested in the Chinese side payback projects. The projected total project funding of up to U.S. $ 5 billion. "For example, there are already proposals to build a new neighborhood on the Russian territory, where housing is less expensive. There are social objects that will not bring a quick profit, but we are going to offer. Work to be serious, and I am sure that together we will be able to solve many problems ", - said Viktor Ishayev. CDB is not only the largest financial institution in China's development, but also the largest development bank in the world. At the end of 2012 the total assets of the bank amounted to 752 trillion. Chinese yuan. The Bank supports basic industries, the development of certain areas. In the last decade, CDB is expanding ties with Europe, Africa and Latin America, is interested in expanding its presence in the Russian financial sector. The signing of the Agreement on the financing of projects in the Far East region of Russia is regarded by the parties as the next step in the development of long-term and fruitful cooperation

Опубликовано:   20-08-2013, 14:02      |      Категория:  eng news

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