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As of August 19 in the Amur region as a result of

As of August 19 in the Amur region as a result of As of August 19 in the Amur region in the flood under the influence of the elements were 102 settlements in 15 municipalities (Zeya, Mazanovsky, Serishevski, the Annunciation, Belogorsky, Ivanovo, Svobodnensky, Constantine, St. Michael, Arkhara, Tambov, Szymanowski and urban districts Blagoveshchensk, Free, Bilohirsk). In the 78 settlements of the region remain flooded 5370 houses, in which 29916 people, including 8042 children. In addition, the water came to the territory of farmlands 7962 RIA «VladNews» in the regional headquarters for emergency situations. In addition, in the area of flooding are 180 social facilities. From the disaster affected crops crops on a total area of more than 420 thousand hectares. As a result of rain floods had damaged the canvas at 199 sites of local roads with a total length of 463 km, and 60 local road bridges. During the period of high water from areas of flooding in the Amur region were evacuated 15800 people, including 5758 children. In all localities Amur affected by floods, are organized to address the effects of floods, land clearing is carried out from the debris, pumping water from basements and cellars, made causeways, shore protection measures are maintained. In flooded areas, lifeguards and staff GIFT boating make a detour of houses and buildings, provide assistance to the population, deliver food and medical supplies. Providing the population with water, food, fuel and property is made on time and in required quantities deployed field kitchens. At the same time, organized the delivery of feed for animals and birds subjected to flooding of settlements. In the flooded villages and exposed the threat of flooding forces of the Interior Ministry of Russia in the field of organized public order. Critical infrastructure, including water intakes, treatment facilities, operating normally. At intakes of Blagoveshchensk, Free, Zeya introduced an additional water treatment, giperhlorirovanie.

Nicholas Kutenkov, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   19-08-2013, 18:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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