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In the Amur region in the flood under the influence of

In the Amur region in the flood under the influence of In the Amur region in the flood under the influence of the elements were 92 settlements in 13 municipalities (Zeya, Mazanovsky, Serishevski, the Annunciation, Belogorsky, Ivanovo, Svobodnensky, Constantine, St. Michael, Arkhara regions and cities of Blagoveshchensk, Free, Bilohirsk). In 66 villages remain flooded 5725 homes, in which 31182 people, including 8337 children, RIA «VladNews» in the regional headquarters for emergency situations. In addition, the water came to the territory of 8347 farmlands. In addition, in the area of flooding are 214 social facilities. Disorders of potentially dangerous objects were detected. From the disaster affected crops crops on a total area of more than 420 thousand hectares. As a result of rain floods had damaged the canvas at 238 sites, local roads, a total length of 562 km, and 66 local road bridges. During the period of high water from areas of flooding were evacuated 15322 people, a third of them children. Currently in temporary accommodation of people is 2494 people, including over a thousand children. In general, in the area for evacuation of people from areas of flooding deployed 93 such items, which organized a primary livelihoods of the population, hot meals, medical care. Also, people who find themselves in a difficult situation, can get help psychologists. Providing the population with water, food, fuel and property is made on time and in required quantities deployed field kitchens. At the same time, organized the delivery of feed for animals and birds subjected to flooding of settlements.

Nicholas Kutenkov, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   19-08-2013, 12:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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