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The duty of the Police Department received a report

The duty of the Police Department received a report The duty of the Police Department received a report Komissarovo Khankaisky resident of the village area. 65-year-old woman reported that out of her apartment, located on the street Nina, a large amount of money stolen. Arriving on the scene, police interviewed the victim. The pensioner said she kept the money in the lining of one of the sofa cushions. Criminal investigation officers decided to check the version of the offense relative. Police have established a circle of persons having access to the apartment of the pensioner. After carrying out the operational-search activities was established the identity of the suspect. 35-year-old local woman - the daughter of the victim was taken to the police station for further investigation. However, she denied any involvement in the crime. Two weeks later, a woman came to the police and wrote a confession. She told police that he saw an elderly woman put the bill on the pillow. Then, using the absence landlady, had stolen the money. That 35-year-old suspect has been previously convicted of causing damage to property by fraud and breach of trust. The suspect faces a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.

Опубликовано:   19-08-2013, 12:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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