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Investigating authorities Far Control

Investigating authorities Far Control Investigative agencies of the Far Eastern Department of Transport has completed the investigation of a criminal case against a resident of the Primorsky Territory, who is accused of having committed an offense under paragraph 1 st.263 Criminal Code (violation of safety rules and operation of water transport). According to investigators, 28 July 2012 at night 60-year-old owner of motorboats «Nissan FB-600" managing marine vehicle traveling at a distance of two kilometers from the coast in the bay Shooter (bay Rudnev) Primorsky Krai. By its actions violated the owner of motorboats "Terms small boats on the water bodies of the Russian Federation" and "International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea." Going out into the sea at night, and you steer outside the area of the possible diving unsafe speed, he failed to timely notice of it located on the other moved away unsafe vessel. Avoid a collision with a rubber boat, in which there were two men failed. As a result of the criminal negligence of the owner motorboats «Nissan FB-600", the captain of the rubber boats with which the collision occurred, was caused serious injury. The victim had been ascertained bruised chest, fractured ribs, pneumothorax, fractured ribs and a ruptured spleen. The passenger, who was in a rubber boat that rammed, doctors have documented extensive shoulder injury, which resulted in the amputation of the injured limb. Currently consequence collected sufficient evidence presented, in connection with which a criminal case with the indictment was sent prosecutor.

Eugene Zhitnikova, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   16-08-2013, 17:49      |      Категория:  eng news

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