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People are sent to correctional work is not always

People are sent to correctional work is not always People are sent to correctional work, do not always want to improve. And then they come new problems. As the press service of the Federal Bailiff Service in Primorsky Krai, in the department of bailiffs in the Mikhailovsky district of enforcement proceedings were instituted to oblige a citizen to depart V. compulsory work for a period of 20 hours. Bailiff explained the procedure and conditions for the debtor to serve the papers, as well as warning of the measures used for evading the execution of administrative punishment. Citizen B. started working in the Company "Comfort Plus" and for three days in good faith trimmed bushes and cleaned the area near the department bailiffs. And on the fourth day of the debtor does not work out, their absence does not explain. In addition, it has been ignored for the later claim of a bailiff to come to the department for questioning. In connection with that citizen B was forcibly taken to the office of the bailiff, which was drawn up under Part 4 of st.2025 Administrative Code (evasion of execution of administrative punishment). This protocol was reviewed by the courts, citizen B. was sentenced to three days' imprisonment. After that, the debtor will continue to serve their compulsory work.

Опубликовано:   16-08-2013, 17:48      |      Категория:  eng news

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