Extra money allocated in Primorye for payments to victims of the cyclone
Additionally more than five million rubles allocated for the payment of compensation to residents of Maritime Affected by the flood.
Additional funds have been allocated for payments to victims of the cyclone
Money is intended for residents of Kavalerovsky, Kirov, and Chuguevsky Ol'ginsky areas. The corresponding decree on the allocation of funds from the reserve fund signed by the governor Vladimir Miklushevsky.
Residents Kavalaroevskogo district will receive 1.9 million rubles, and the inhabitants of the Kirov - 305 thousand rubles. In Olga in compensation will be paid out over 1.6 million rubles, and in Chuguyivske area - more than 1.5 million.
As a result of the cyclone that hit the Primorye Territory in late July were flooded houses and church in Dalnerechensk, Kirov, Kavlerovskom, Chuguyivske, Terneisky, Olginskiy areas and in the urban district of Dalnerechensk.
Maritime Administration's Response to the situation, now the affected people get compensation for the restoration of farmsteads.
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