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Violation of fire safety rules found in the coastal schools

Shortly before the start of the new school year Maritime verified as fulfilling the requirements of fire safety.

Violation of fire safety rules found in the coastal schools

Today in Primorye runs 516 educational institutions. This year, 549 bodies a legally conducted inspections revealed 502 violations. At present, eliminated 455.

From the beginning, the administrative liability incurred 266 people. For failure to fulfill direction fire inspectors sent to the courts 91 administrative report, 69 messages sent to various authorities, including the 18 - to the prosecutor.

Employees of a legally held 514 seminars in which the necessary information about fire safety have received more than 1800 people. Barely 582 practical training, participated by students.

At present, the beginning of a new school year is ready 84 schools, the work goes on - VestiRegion.ru reported press service of the Main Directorate of MOE Russia for the Primorye Territory.

Violation of fire safety rules found in the coastal schools

Опубликовано:   7-08-2013, 17:32      |      Категория:  eng news

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