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To eliminate fires and fires brought 60

To eliminate fires and fires brought 60 To eliminate fires and fires involved 60 personnel and 20 vehicles.

Опубликовано:   7-08-2013, 13:01      |      Категория:  eng news

On the island of Russian water pipe will be laid. According
25-08-2013, 00:16, eng news
On the island of Russian water pipe will be laid. According to RIA «VladNews» representative of the federal government of the Russian Federation in a meeting with reporters, held yesterday at the...
Tonight, August 13 road service municipal
13-08-2013, 17:34, eng news
Tonight, August 13 the road services of the municipal enterprise "Roads Vladivostok" will begin to repair the joints on Nekrasovskoe overpass. As RIA «VladNews» the press service of the Vladivostok...
Primorye visited by the Director of the Fund of assistance to reforming housing and communal services
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Passenger buses and trains in Primorye will work as a team
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The pilot project was launched multimodal passenger transport in Artem: buses at a fixed time will deliver passengers to stations......
In Primorye, killed an elderly woman
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In the duty of the inter-municipal department of the Russian Interior Ministry "Dalnegorsky" turned medical assistant from the village Maksimovka. He said that in a private house on the street...
Igor Pushkarev required to restore the destroyed stairs by contractors
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Head of the city drew the attention of specialists to the fact that when working with contractors this year to consider the experience of the last year......
Mayor of Vladivostok and Primorye Legislative Assembly to request the release of tax
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The members of the advisory council on the quality of housing services considered that the documents provided for a clear answer is not enough......
Today, 19 June, the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev
19-06-2013, 18:16, eng news
Today, 19 June, the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev held a meeting on the issue of quality of road repair work. Vladivostok mayor, together with experts - representatives of the contractor and of...
U.S. missile test was postponed because of the threats of North Korea
7-04-2013, 17:40, eng news
A Pentagon spokesman said that at this time any military trials can only exacerbate the "Korean" crisis......
In Artem was regional festival ballroom
12-04-2013, 18:10, eng news
Fans of ballroom dancing in those days came from all over the Primorsky Territory in Artem - there was marginal dance festival. The edge dance festival held in Artem Championship held for the seventh...

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