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Driver of the Jeep Wrangler moved by

Driver of the Jeep Wrangler moved by Driver of the Jeep Wrangler moved from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk direction. Lost control, the motorist committed the Congress with the roadway and then rollover into a ditch. As a result of hitting the man received injuries from which he died on the site of the accident. External factors, which could cause an emergency situation on the road, the police have not identified. On the fact of fatal accidents inspectors of traffic police are checking. The vehicle is placed on a dedicated parking area. We establish the circumstances of the incident. Driver of the Jeep Wrangler moved by Driver of the Jeep Wrangler moved by

Опубликовано:   7-08-2013, 13:01      |      Категория:  eng news

Last weekend in the regional center of Primorye were
17-06-2013, 14:45, eng news
Last weekend in the regional center of Primorye have been creative in project activities administration of the city of Vladivostok hospitable». On Saturday, June 15 on the embankment of the Sports...
About the case of corruption in higher education Primorye
5-09-2013, 11:48, eng news
About the case of corruption in higher education Primorye regional prosecutor's office said. Prosecutor of the city of Vladivostok in the court directed the criminal case against a citizen of B, who,...
In fact raider seizure of apartments in Vladivostok prosecuted
22-04-2013, 15:21, eng news
In Vladivostok, for fraud and falsification of evidence prosecuted. Frauds are investigating apartments in Vladivostok Their helpers - Employees of a commercial firm. In 2011 they falsified evidence...
Vladivostok residents spent the evening meditation in honor of
22-09-2013, 13:26, eng news
Vladivostok residents spent the evening meditation in celebration of the International Day of Peace, celebrated in dozens of states and more than 200 cities across the globe, RIA Novosti reported ...
On the eve of the 30-year-old midfielder has issued relationship with the club
18-07-2013, 11:47, eng news
On the eve of the 30-year-old midfielder has issued relationship with the club and will soon join the first team. Recall that Vyacheslav stood for "Ray-Energy" in the season 2011/2012. Vyacheslav...
Speculators are specialized in manufacture of forged
1-07-2013, 21:17, eng news
Speculators are specialized in manufacture of forged documents for the appropriation of real estate objects. Part of an organised group consisted of the Director and realtor one of the real estate...
Death of coastal tourists in Suifenhe - Crime or Accident: Police examine all versions of
27-03-2013, 07:10, eng news
China has not yet informed the Russian Consulate General in Shenyang about the incident......
В воскресенье на этой же автодороге произошло аналогичное
8-07-2013, 13:01, eng news
В воскресенье на этой же автодороге произошло аналогичное ДТП. 32-летний водитель мотоцикла предположительно Honda CBR при совершении обгона выехал на полосу встречного движения, где столкнулся с...
Slower growth in some sectors of the Russian economy continues
7-05-2013, 13:40, eng news
One of the factors slowing the economy is to reduce the investment attractiveness of Russian companies by foreign firms......
Today in Vladivostok,
23-08-2013, 22:17, eng news
Today in Vladivostok, "FESCO Hall" of doctors congratulated the 120 th anniversary of the Seaside Regional Hospital number 1. In a solemn ceremony gathered awarded honorary certificates and other...

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