The recent flood situation in the Far East, where whole villages have been cut off from the rest of the world (especially demonstrative was the situation in the Amur region), was the subject of additional measures to protect against such "Floods" of the embassy in the Far Eastern Federal District. Chapter Minvostokrazvitiya - Far Eastern Federal District envoy Viktor Ishayev heard reports on the flood situation in the Amur region, Primorsky Krai, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Jewish Autonomous Region. Today the complex flood situation continues to remain in the Amur region, where from the beginning of July flooded 21 settlements have been relocated 2.5 thousand people. Commenting on the situation, Victor Ishayev said on flood prevention, local authorities should not remain on the sidelines. "Emergencies come already in emergency situations, but must work systematically to local authorities. They know the critical watermark, the excess of which leads to flooding. Local authorities need to understand that without the construction of hydraulic structures in a particular place is difficult to protect town. Khabarovsk before ever suffered from flooding until it was built Pioneer Street, which is also the protective structure. The Far East is in the spring, summer and autumn floods mandatory. So there must be a system of flood protection. Perhaps it is necessary to make decisions and moving some settlements "- said the envoy. The meeting noted that in the Far East, the warning system and disaster relief work efficiently, which prevented the loss of life and farm animals, to minimize the effects of flooding. "There are true and failures. For example, in the July 15 received a message about the upcoming flood, is the head of one of the 16 districts issued an order on flood preparedness, but directly in the village of order came only on July 22 "- an example envoy. Viktor Ishayev reported that signed the order of the Minister of the Russian Federation on the development of the Far East "On additional measures to prevent and minimize the effects of flooding of settlements." The heads of the regions, which is part of the Far Eastern Federal District, as well as regional bodies concerned federal agencies specified security tasks, settlements and industrial and transport of podtopleniya.V particular envoy asked to specify the composition of forces and means involved in the prevention and elimination of floods , to ensure interagency coordination of energy supply, construction, industrial and transportation organizations. Envoy recommended based on the analysis of flood situations to determine the list of settlements and the economy with a high degree of flooding, to plan and carry out with their heads Instructor-learning sessions in which the algorithm to study the actions of each officer in a period of threat and with the onset of the crisis. Particular attention is paid to the envoy demanded monitoring the flood situation, especially in potentially dangerous areas.
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