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Vladivostok sentenced a man vzrorvavshemu jeep Aleutian

Vladivostok sentenced a man vzrorvavshemu jeep Aleutian

Gathered by the investigating authorities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Primorsky Territory court found sufficient evidence to convict a man born in 1980. He was found guilty of committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 222 of the Criminal Code (illegal purchase, transportation and storage of explosives, ammunition), Part 3. 30 pp "E," Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code (attempt to murder generally dangerous means), part 2. 223 of the Criminal Code (illegal manufacture of explosive devices), Part 1 Art. 167 of the Criminal Code (intentional destruction of another's property).

Investigation and the court found that in 2000 the defendant illegally acquired four TNT blocks weighing 400 grams each, burying them in the ground near the town of Arsenyev, where he kept until December 2012. In December, he took them to his apartment to the street in the city of Heroes Varyagov Vladivostok . Of the two drafts later, he along with his friend, made the explosive device, the other two put on a car wash in the city of Vladivostok. In addition, in 2010 he received a gift from an unknown person three electric, which are also kept to a special occasion.

Making an explosive device took him for that would murder a friend, due to the presence of a dispute between them money. To commit murder, he enlisted his friend, having specialized skills handling explosives. From the available ammunition and explosives attackers produced an explosive device with a remote control.

January 52013 the defendant in a convenient moment for him an explosive device attached to the victim's SUV. The next day, the defendant proceeded on another car behind the victim, who was moving on the car «Toyota Ladd Cruiser» with attached explosive device. January 6 to 14 hours and 37 minutes at the time of driving on the road outside the Aleutian defendant made an explosive device. The explosion injured person was injured, but he could come to the aid of the citizens and the intent to kill is not generally dangerous method was brought to an end by circumstances beyond his control, however, the victim's car was burned.

Due to the fact that the defendant has admitted guilt in full and signed a cooperation agreement pretrial criminal case has been considered by the court in a specific order.

The court sentenced him to 9.5 years in the form of imprisonment in a penal colony.

The crime was solved thanks to the joint work of law enforcement Primorye Territory: SU TFR, FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The criminal case against a second person involved is now essentially considered.

Vladivostok sentenced a man vzrorvavshemu jeep Aleutian

Опубликовано:   3-08-2013, 15:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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