Boundary MPs during the July session decided to appeal to the prosecutor Primorye asking them to check as to whether the quality of the reconstruction of the federal highway M-60 (Khabarovsk-Vladivostok) road safety. The cause of treatment were the numerous complaints by residents of Primorye lack of quality of bypass roads in the area of road construction works on the highway "Ussurijsk-Razdolnoe." Reconstruction of two sections of a length of 9 and 6 km produces a road-building company of "Bamstroymekhanizatsia" (Tynda) commissioned by the Directorate General of Khabarovsk on construction. According to the Department of Roads of the edge, the full completion is scheduled for 2014 and 9 kilometers of the road will be put into operation this year. To extend the bypass road contractor plans to use the grader, but on the asphalting of travel time for the convenience of motorists speech does not go. "Of course, we know - there is a major reconstruction, but, nevertheless, believe that we should have bypass roads properly - commented the deputy Sergei Sopchuk AP PC. - I myself have to travel to this part of the track a few times a week, and I see discontent motorists who spent hours in mile-long traffic jams, suffering and vehicles. I believe we should not stand aside from these problems. It would be correct to check the documents and the proper maintenance of the road, because the most important aspect of this question - road safety. " Boundary MPs supported the proposal and colleagues decided to prepare an appeal to the Prosecutor's Office of Primorsky krai asking to increase attention for the quality control of road works. It is worth noting: the question of what the coastal road under reconstruction project specialists from other regions, as well as by contractors from other regions, rising for a long time. This question has stood still during the reconstruction of M-60 and other highways for the APEC Summit, in the period 2008-2012. Designing conducted without regional specificity, based on only maps and geodetic studies eventually led to the fact that the band got the demolition of thousands of objects (including utility poles). This, in turn, attracted additional redemption procedures, in addition your time and money. Another problem (it is felt to this day) is the lack of exits and roads and for easy turning and rebuild in a counter-flow through the median strip at journey already reconstructed part of the highway M-60 to 733-750 km. Thus, during the preparations for the APEC summit, the state customer of construction of the road M-60 was FGU DSD "Vladivostok", the main leaders of which were residents of Tyumen, Novosibirsk and Moscow, which on completion left their permanent place of residence in other regions. And if in the process of exploitation of the M-60 will come to light later some flaws, fix them will be local authorities, not the Tyumen-Novosibirsk-Moscow spices, had already left home. A reasonable question arises: can the coastal road will be built maritime companies and professionals?
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