The seller told me that the sales floor penetrated two
The seller told me that the sales floor penetrated two guys and threatening object, like a gun, stole the day's takings. Detectives Criminal Investigation Police Department Internal Affairs of Russia in Nakhodka city district, establishing the circumstances of the attack, found out that the suspects entered the store through the trading floor utility room, squeezing the plastic window sash. As a weapon used traumatic gun. The police during search activities have worked for involvement in the commission of robbery, criminal records, and are prone to illegal acts of persons. Established identity of suspects who may have been involved in the commission of a series of robberies on trade pavilions of the city. During another attack on the shop criminal investigation officers arrested two residents of Nakhodka, one of which - 23 other - 24 years. A criminal case under article "robbery." Against the suspects remanded - detention.
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