From 14 to 18 August will be the race of the five races,
From 14 to 18 August will be the race of the five races, the length of each race will be 200 kilometers. In the race will bring together athletes of world size, including Fifteen times world champion and European aquabike Jean Bruno Pastorelli. Also in these days on the island will be dedicated to the Russian Championship Art Festival. One of the main events of the art festival will be an exhibition of original works by European artists. Master of Niderdandov Joshua Pennings with fire, hammer and anvil creates unique sculptures. Especially for the residents of Primorye sculptor has prepared a present - a metal tiger's head in full size. Belgian painter Jef Bertels will present works that are popular all over the world. During the festival, August 16 exhibition visitors will have the unique opportunity to talk with Joshua Pennings and Jeff Bertelsen, ask questions and get recommendations. Decoration of the Championship will be the participants of the contest "Miss World 2013". Russian and foreign beauties will compete for the sympathy of athletes, artists and guests. August 14 the jury will select 15 contestants, and then begin the vote. August 16 in the parade will be attended by only 10 of the most popular states. August 18th will be declared the winner of which will score the most votes. Also as part of the World Rally Championship-raid on aquabikes will take the following actions: - excursions for guests on a unique rescue boat, which reaches a speed of 135 kilometers per hour - freestyle aquabikes - Presentation BC "Spartak-Primorye" and the EC "Primorochka "- a concert of coastal artists - street basketball tournament - graffiti festival - amateur football championship - Pankration Championship - competition class boat" Dragon ".
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