A few days ago the Bar of the Primorsky Territory appealed to the governor of Primorsky Krai and the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly with a proposal to expand the list of categories of people who may become beneficiaries of free legal aid. It will be recalled that on May 5 last year, the province is working on regional law "On ensuring the provision of legal aid in the Primorye Territory." Under this law, a number of categories of people (disabled groups I and II, World War II veterans, etc.) are totally free to contact the specially appointed lawyer organizations throughout the Primorye for free assistance. The cost of free care paid from the budget of the Primorsky Territory, but for the citizens it is free. Maritimes lawyers propose to include in the list of those who can provide legal assistance free of charge, several categories of citizens: the non-disabled group III, combat veterans, families of martyrs and the deceased war veterans and parents in single-parent families, low-income citizens with incomes below one and two living wages, labor veterans, veterans of labor Primorye, pensioners, etc. It is also proposed to assign to those lawyers who are members of the state system of legal aid, the ability to provide free services in cases of disability, of the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled and for disputes relating to the rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities. These lawyers are willing to take on consumer protection issues (in terms of provision of public services, maintenance and repair of the dwelling, including the management of the apartment building, the contents of both the current overhaul of the common property in the apartment building). According to the official help APPC, lawyers as of July 12013 free legal aid provided in 1640 in Primorye citizens. Main Category applied for legal aid - is disabled I-II groups. Poor people make up a small part - 9 people. According to the lawyers, the main reasons for the low uptake of poor people for free legal aid are two: the difficulty of obtaining information confirming the status of the poor and needy citizen income, the size of which, combined with additional payments Pension Fund exceeds the amount of the subsistence minimum. In the case of expansion of new categories of recipients of free yurpomoschi, lawyers can do the work of the law for such assistance more effective. And the law will become even more socially oriented.
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