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OWEN. From a professional point of view, bad day.

OWEN. From a professional point of view, bad day. OWEN. From a professional point of view, bad day. It is suitable for both new start and to complete the old cases. You can negotiate, take the initiative, to implement their ideas. Please refrain from rash acts. TAURUS. Stressful day. Be prepared to make concessions. Financial situation will improve, but the inevitable costs associated with the repair or purchase of veschey.Otdyh with friends helps to restore emotional balance and mood improvement. TWINS. It should be closer to his property: possible losses. Significant cash flows are not expected, but the high costs and you will not get any. The rest of the day will be peaceful. You can solve a range of professional issues. CANCER. The day promises to be a very enjoyable and interesting. Do not have to exert much effort in order to achieve success. The financial situation is favorable, you can do a variety of shopping, spending money on entertainment. LEO. It is not easy awkward relationship with management and colleagues. The stumbling block may be financial matters: you tend to address them lightly. The rest of the day good. You can implement a long-standing plans to achieve their goals. VIRGO. A day is not very successful, but persistent and purposeful Virgo will find a way to paint it in a pleasant tone. Do not count on easy successes in work. Will develop a good business trip, but the presentation will neudachnymi.Vozmozhny new friendships and pleasant meeting. SCALES. In the business area develops an unfortunate situation. Will have to act decisively and quickly to win over detractors. There may be significant financial losses. On this day, it is not necessary to make major purchases. SCORPIO. This day is not suitable for travel: on the way you can trap a serious danger. Operational problems should be resolved peacefully, without the hustle and bustle. Likely to progress in business negotiations, conclusion of deals that promise substantial profits. SAGITTARIUS. This day is important for the start of negotiations, discuss issues related to shift work. Professional success is modest, but certainly serious mistakes can be avoided, so the reason to complain at an unpropitious stars no. CAPRICORN. Adverse day for communication, important meetings. Set aside business negotiations, is wary of proposals for cooperation - you run the risk of falling into the trap scams. Nice day for school memories. Life potential at a high level. AQUARIUS. Day very controversial. It seems that things are going well, but at the very moment when the desired goal is close, there are difficulties. Be patient - now does not show irritability or give way to anger. Interesting ideas can visit the most unexpected moment. FISH. With professional chores you can do it quickly, and the most difficult problems will be solved easily. But the important decisions to be taken on their own, and even in difficult situations, to be assisted by not count. Very favorable financial situation, it is likely remittances and gifts.

Alexander Rempel

Опубликовано:   1-08-2013, 14:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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