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Eight new kindergartens in Vladivostok. More

Eight new kindergartens in Vladivostok. More Eight new kindergartens in Vladivostok. More than 1000 children. And 487 million rubles, which have yet to build these institutions. Why edge officials did not give the promised money? Will the kids in kindergartens already this year? The correspondent of "B" tried to sort out the problem. Head of kindergarten under construction "Ship" on Gulbinovicha, 4 Tatiana Prokopenko proudly shows that contractors have already done. Music and sports halls. Modern nutrition unit. New cribs and children's furniture. Plumbing. Play structures on the site and even a small vegetable garden. As part of the educational program, children will be able to harvest. Half-made facade. Work has started on the landscaping. However, complains Tatiana, despite the fact that the tour has already distributed 120 kids, "The Ship" in the swim and did not go. - Funding for the garden is from the budgets of the city and region. Unfortunately, from the edge of the money goes to the delay. Because of this, and the construction is delayed - she explains. The Government of the Russian Federation in the past year has placed an obligation on regional authorities to provide financial support to cities to construction of pre-schools. Simply add money to the gardens. One of the main conditions - in the city have to have its own program for their construction. That is why the list for co-financing was Vladivostok. Here are a few years old at the initiative of the mayor Igor Pushkarev successfully implemented such a program. Her result: dozens of new gardens and thousands of seats for toddlers. Only this year, the city government has already opened two preschools. In the "Crane" on Sakhalin, 37a went 160 kids in the "Forest Tales" on Ugryumova 42 - 120 children. Until the end of the year had to be covered, and the gardens at Gulbinovicha, 4 Russian, 53a Balyaeva, 48 and Neybuta, 47-B. But putting institutions in time, there is one prerequisite - the money to build. And if the city of Vladivostok its part of the payment completed, the regional authorities are still not - 487 million rubles have yet to contractors. As a result of this long-awaited moment for hundreds of families today was in jeopardy - preschools and may not open on time and the kids did not go to preschool. - The Governor of Primorye decision to transfer the money to municipalities signed about two weeks ago - commented Konstantin Mezhonov, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai. - His deputy Irina Vasylkova in an interview with me assured that the money will transfer to the 10th of August. Tatiana Kazantsev, director of the finance department of Primorsky Krai, more cautious forecasts and called the date of August 15. I'm with you knock on wood, touch wood. Since this money is very much needed for construction. Many gardens have a high stage of readiness. For example, Neybuta, 47-b, the garden has been open as planned in September. And it permits were issued in view of the schedule. And if the edge of transfer funds until the end of the year, what do we say to parents? In December, the money is worthless. The vouchers issued in the gardens, they need to finish building. Therefore hope that the city will receive funds in the first half of August. Today Vladivostok authorities are doing everything possible to prevent disruption of the construction schedule and still open kindergartens in time. Negotiations with suppliers are conducted daily. But every day they become more and more difficult because construction requires money. For the thousands of young residents of Vladivostok is extremely important one - the decision to the governor payment was enforced boundary officials in the near future.

Newsroom of the newspaper "Vladivostok"

Опубликовано:   31-07-2013, 20:33      |      Категория:  eng news

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