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Contender for the mayoral seat was nominated party "Russian

Contender for the mayoral seat was nominated party "Russian Contender for the mayoral seat was nominated party "Russian United Labor Front" (RotFront). The decision to lift the candidate was taken to the website of the Commission on Friday, July 26. As noted in the document, the party late with deadlines for the necessary paperwork. So, until June 22 (the date of the official publication of the decision on the appointment of Vladivostok Duma elections of the head of the city) RotFront had to provide proof of state registration of its regional offices in at least half of the subjects of the Russian Federation. This condition was not fulfilled. Now in the election campaign left 15 participants: 13 - from political parties and two - self-promoter.

Division of Policy, the newspaper "Vladivostok"

Опубликовано:   30-07-2013, 19:02      |      Категория:  eng news

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