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In the Kremlin, under the chairmanship of President Vladimir

In the Kremlin, under the chairmanship of President Vladimir In the Kremlin, under the chairmanship of President Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the development of rail transport in the Far East. During the meeting, the Russian president ordered the government to prepare a detailed schedule of the next steps for the modernization of the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur Mainline. "In essence, the reconstruction of the BAM has already begun. With the opening of the tunnel Kuznetsovsky its capacity increased to 18 million tons a year. According to our calculations up to 15-18 years of BAM must allow up to 50 million tons of cargo per year since start working deposits of copper, coal in South Yakutia, in the Amur region, a growing need for these shipments in Asia Pacific, developing ports ", - said the plenipotentiary Presidential Representative to the Far Eastern Federal District Viktor Ishayev. According to him, the development of the railway will provide a multiplier effect on the development of other sectors of the regional economy. "The whole reconstruction of BAM drags the construction of another railway tunnel, the electrification of road, construction of the second track, will begin to work the machine building. Through the development of the railway, increase its capacity, will develop fields in the region. All this will allow us to create about 200000 new high-skilled jobs. Also, along the way, and will develop other sectors - trade, the entire service sector, the banks, there will be new companies that will create up to 500000 new jobs. The federal budget will receive additional revenue of about 700 billion rubles. There will be a significant increase in the gross domestic product, and the total gross regional product in the Far East will grow by almost 25%. The increase in freight traffic on the BAM will be the basis for attracting the Far East qualified professionals, as well as raise the standard of living in the region ", - said Victor Ishayev. Envoy also stressed that today is no longer in question, to be or not to be the second stage of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (the so-called project "BAM-2"). According to him, stating how and from what sources of finance to carry out the reconstruction. "The meeting with the President, we are not talking about whether or not to reconstruct the BAM, we talked about the financial arrangements. For the reconstruction of BAM 2018 to 562 billion. Railway on their programs allocate 302.3 billion rubles. The budget will invest 262 billion rubles. Including some money to go the way of borrowing from the National Welfare Fund. It will return means for inflation and transaction services, that is, the money will be given by 7-7.5%. We will refund the total of the state as much as taken. Actively discussed also the question of the issue of shares, the issue of mixed funding. All the structures are now working on the creation of a mechanism to raise funds for the reconstruction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline ", - concluded V.Ishaev.

Опубликовано:   30-07-2013, 13:15      |      Категория:  eng news

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