August 1 the museum and exhibition center VSUES (street
Aug. 1 at the museum and exhibition center VSUES (St. Gogol, 41 Rm. 1125) will open a personal exhibition of the Honored Artist of Russia Igor Kuznetsov "Far Eastern motif." It'll be presented with a series of drawings and watercolors dedicated Shikotan and Primorsky Krai. exhibition is unique in the fact that almost all the works are on display for the first time . substantial part of the artist's work is devoted to the Kuril Islands. in precise and strict lines of his linocuts imprinted cosmic scale of nature. transferred to the linear rhythms of the clouds hanging over the hills, the hills themselves, the surface of the ocean, piers, strict geometry of competing with the free pattern shore. However, in a series of Shikotan came in and other graphics - drawings. They presented at the exhibition, provide an opportunity to open another hypostasis of the artist, for which the primary perception of the world is "a pencil." For Kuznetsova line, bar, a spot became a means of understanding reality. He made a great number of drawings, for him, they were akin to the painter sketches, which are then given the opportunity to work in the studio over the big picture. The exhibition also includes drawings and watercolors dedicated to the Primorsky Krai. familiar places Nature appears in clear, transparent water-color sheets suddenly defenseless, softly. separate series - watercolor abstract nature. However, in reality it is a realistic image, the subject of which Kuznetsov chose stones. features of texture and color of the surface the artist plays on special rough texture paper, trying to fully convey a sense of the natural material. offering viewers a solo exhibition Kuznetsova with such content , Museum and Exhibition Complex VSUES opens a series of exhibitions, to be called "Soviet." This series will include lesser-known works by artists of the Primorsky Territory, whose creativity flourished in the time of socialist construction. opening of the exhibition will take place at 1400 in the Museum and Exhibition Complex at the address VSUES . Gogol, 41 Rm. 1125.
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