Half of Primorye is not afraid to radically change the fate of
Research Service. HeadHunter conducted a survey in the Primorsky Territory and found that 45% of all employees at least once a profession is changing dramatically. Thus, only every second follows the career path he has chosen in the beginning. The causes of the situation is quite prosaic: Selected initially poorly paid work activity (39%), and career opportunities is too vague and uncertain (39%). 27% of respondents admit that they simply gave up on the decision adopted once, 24% wanted a change, 22% had problems finding a job, while 15% have brought stress and hassle. Also causes a drastic career change can be a threat to health (for example, work in hazardous environments), or the lack of free time, which completely absorbs the selected activity.
At the same time it is recognized that the majority of respondents are quite happy choice made (58%) and do not regret that, once decided to drop everything and start from scratch. However, there are those who are not sure what the right thing: 12% of respondents repent of their choice, and 15%, although not regret about the past, present profession still dissatisfied.
Note that the change of profession - is not easy and requires a certain amount of time and material resources. The lucky one can call 38% of respondents who were able to stand up in a new capacity per year or less. 29%, it took two to three years, 8% of got used to the new position for 5-6 years, and 4% - up to 7 years or more. Most often acquire a new profession to help friends, colleagues and acquaintances from the professional range, 68% admit that their experiences, tips and tricks have helped to achieve a certain level. Every second independently studied the academic literature, 28% attended workshops or other short-term courses, and 16% received a second degree.
Most workers have proved flexible and mobile in the labor field. Thus, 23% of those professions never changed, indicated that they are not so far removed from such a solution, and 66% always admit such a possibility, because, according to them, the Russian realities force to be ready for anything. Only 4% stressed that for what his profession will not change, because they do exactly what is really like, allowing you to discover their talents and fulfill your potential. A quarter of respondents simply do not want to lose the achieved status in the society, while 21% are not willing to take risks.
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