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How comfortable to move around the campus

How comfortable to move around the campus How comfortable to move around the campus in Palo comfortable buses, shuttles, praised the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov. Accompanied by the rector Sergei Palo Ivantsov he toured the campus. As the press service of the Far Eastern Federal University, under the decision of the university purchased five passenger buses DAEWOO, which the new school year will run through the campus in the mode of the shuttle, free delivering students, faculty and staff to the place of study and work. To date, the new cars were registered in the traffic police and ready to use, what is the Minister of Education made in person. The shuttle bus Dmitry Livanov reached the venue of the meeting with the leadership of Palo. Working meeting with the rector and his deputies focused on the present and the development prospects of the largest university in the region. Dmitry Livanov visited Primorye July 27 and 28 accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. In the Far Eastern Federal University Education Minister also visited the medical center, took part in the meeting with the students. It should also be noted that Palo academic buildings connected by a system of transitions that can not go outside in the winter. However, in order to get to the dorms or to landscape the park area will need to leave the building. Given that the radius of the campus of the road is 5 km away, it is understood that without transport can not do here.

Опубликовано:   29-07-2013, 18:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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