Japan's Toyota Motor Corp. retained its status as the world's largest automaker for the first half of 2013 overtaking the U.S. group General Motors (GM) and the German Volkswagen. Global sales of cars Toyota (including the subsidiaries of the company) in the first half of 2013 reached 9111 million units, which is 1.1% lower than in the first half of the previous year. This reflects the weakness of the Japanese car market in connection with the termination of the subsidy programs environmentally friendly car industry. At the same time, the American segment showed significant growth: that Toyota's sales in the company's largest market - the U.S. - took her back to the leading position in terms of sold cars. By comparison, sales of American GM in January-June 2013 increased by 4% - to 485 million vehicles, the German Volkswagen - by 5.5% - up to 4.7 million copies. At the same time, it should be noted that sales of VW brands are the exception Scania and MAN. Sales of Scania in the first half of 2013 amounted to 37980 thousand shares. Sales of MAN will be announced later. In recent years, MAN sold 60-70 thousand cars in the first six months. As analysts, probably even the publication of figures for the German automaker MAN brand will not change the current at the moment the balance of power. Toyota Motor has regained the title of world leaders last year, again ahead of its U.S. rival General Motors in terms of sales in the global market. In 2011 Toyota has lost the lead because of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, has set back the Japanese automaker, which was unable to provide dealers with new cars. First Toyota overtook GM in sales in the global market in 2008. Prior to that, GM firmly held the leading position for more than seven decades, according to Autonews.Ru .
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