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"It has long been not to carry bags from the market - shares

"It has long been not to carry bags from the market - shares "It has long been not to carry bags from the market - shares his experience colleague device life. - All necessary until the packet of salt and fresh vegetables are included in the order for home delivery. The result is not more expensive than most to make purchases at the supermarket. Companies that are engaged in this, no need to spend money on the retail link, to open stores - that's the economy. " Maybe follow the example? Advanced daughter was not surprised my proposal to streamline the purchase of products, but without enthusiasm to evaluate the proposed service: "If he has a fridge was replenished with fresh milk and dried out meat dumplings In Japan, they say, is already the case. Fits refrigerator so that customer service can be bagged it without the participation of the owners. And the electronics itself make the order, when the products are on the wane. We have such a clever way of life. " Life is advancing rapidly. But still remember the days when even the semis on sale was not, and had to suffer, razdelyvaya bluish or twisting the chicken meat in a meat grinder. Now do not make it not only a business woman with her head submerged in the work, but even, apparently, will not hurry retired. Use frozen meatballs and vegetables they are happy to save an hour or two to quietly watch your favorite TV series. And how many advantages the sliced bread? Deliver us from unnecessary crumbs, it marked the beginning of a new quality of life! Most of the families parted with tradition mold before the New Year dumplings, summer make jam, and in the fall to make sour cabbage. Even marinate the meat on skewers before going on a picnic seems incredibly difficult. Why, if you can swing by the store and buy already prepared for such an event bucket? But you know, with all this, looking forward to invitations to cakes to our funny little cousin. It is a house of old. Hundreds of hand-sculpts dumplings and dumplings, long casts a spell over the test to get a cancellation rolls, before the holidays all night cooking jelly. Time, she do not mind, because he knows that everyone will be happy when they gather for its tasty, flavored love table. The food cooked by his own hands, not only the taste of a particular, but also energy - Charge vitality and healthy emotions.

Опубликовано:   26-07-2013, 13:48      |      Категория:  eng news

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