As reported by "Primore24" prosecutor Primorsky Krai, the indictment against a citizen of China, who is accused of bribing an official in a large scale for the commission obviously illegal actions (Part 5 Art. 291 of the Criminal Code). According to investigators, February 62013 in his hotel room, he handed over to the edge of the FSB of Russia, in effect under the Federal Law "On operative-investigative activity," more than 1.5 million. Money was intended as a bribe by an official commission of illegal acts in the interests of the briber friend - citizen of the PRC in respect of which it was filed and investigated by the criminal investigation into the illegal crossing of the state border of Russia it. The man asked to decide the question of her release from custody and termination of criminal prosecution. RIA «VladNews» already told this story in the material «VIP-Chinese Cui Vladivostok sits in jail for attempting to bribe an employee FSB" for June 42013 g . Then this citizen named Cui, who can be safely attributed to the number of VIP-Chinese: at home in China, he is the owner of a large company and is a member of China's parliament, appealed against his detention. The complaint, filed on behalf of the maritime lawyer, the Chinese complained about poor health (a heart condition) and offers a large deposit. However, Primorsky Regional Court refused to release it, for the crime of which is suspected Tsui, belongs to the category of serious and committed against the interests of Russia. Now, presumably, the court may sentence him not only to imprisonment in Russia, but also to a heavy fine - multiple penalties for bribery under the new legislation could "multiply" the fine of 30 to 100 times (!)
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The deal amounted to 60 million U.S. dollars. The main objective of cooperation - the development of innovative services for retail payments on the Internet. The main areas of joint work of the...
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