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During hot line, held July 23 at the conference hall of

During hot line, held July 23 at the conference hall of During hot line, held July 23 at the conference hall of the newspaper "Vladivostok", deputy branch manager of the Pension Fund of Russia for the Primorye Territory spoke about the main aspects of the future accrual of pension and pension reform during the hot line, held July 23 at the conference hall of the newspaper " Vladivostok, "deputy manager of the Pension Fund of Russia for the Primorye Territory Galina Nikitchenko spoke about the main aspects of the calculation of pension. According to experts, about the pension benefits you need to think from an early age, settling on the first job. - We refer to the Pension Fund from the moment of birth to obtain an insurance certificate, because today is evidence of mandatory retirement education (SNILS) is required to obtain various services and benefits. Working people - it is also our category because they can contact us and get information on what the premiums for them listed. We always think and ask young people, which in 18-20 years begins to work on that in the future will build on their retirement accounts. To do this, you need to watch what salary you get - white or "envelope", whether the premiums charged to the employee by the employer in a timely manner. The younger generation is coming to us to make a choice on the cumulative contributions: the citizens of 1967 year of birth, according to the Federal Law of December 32012 № 243-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on issues of mandatory pension insurance" have the right to choose the insurance premium rate to the funded part of labor pension: 6% or leave as it is today, or to reduce it to 2%, thereby increasing the rate of the formation of the insurance part of pensions from 10% to 14%. According to experts, young people are faced with this choice, should determine which part is more important: the insurance or funded, will they work beyond retirement age or not. You can entrust your pension private pension funds, which are, and the place of work, the latter have their own specific benefits for employees. There are different terms for the payment of the funded pension: it can be inherited, and it is not abstract rights, and real money lists. This part of the pension can be mentioned in the will. - Payments funded pension made at the time of retirement: a lump sum payment, the storage part, and the urgent pension payment, - says Galina Nikitchenko. - Last year, we produced more than 22000 lump-sum payments. Therefore, the issue of pension insurance everyone should be mini-economist for yourself and count to which he pays the funds in any amount as pension capital is screwed. World practice now is that the pension should consist of three parts: a fixed size - that the base portion to be paid by the state, it will be determined by a separate act. Today it is 3600 rubles - the minimum that is guaranteed by the government. The second part of the pension - insurance. Insurance premiums must give at least 40% of earnings. The third part - funded - these are the tools that a person has accumulated, sending money to private pension funds and asset managers, investing in shares, securities. The pension shall be not less than 60-70% of lost wages. This is in order to live with dignity in retirement.

Maria Pisarev, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   25-07-2013, 10:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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