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In total for July on different streets of the city will be

In total for July on different streets of the city will be In total for July on different streets of the city will be installed about 400 new fixtures. Note that the number of street lights in the last five years has grown from 3 thousand to 34 thousand. This large-scale systematic work in a street-lighting started in 2008 on the instructions of the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev. The annual number of new light is increased by several thousand. Lights appear, especially in remote areas, remote areas, including where previously they never existed. Became lighter in underground and surface pedestrian crossings, which reduced the number of accidents involving pedestrians. Covered school grounds and stadiums, playgrounds kindergartens. Thanks to the systematic work of lanterns in five years has increased by 10 times.

Опубликовано:   24-07-2013, 22:02      |      Категория:  eng news

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