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Thus, at the moment he became the eleventh

Thus, at the moment he became the eleventh Thus, at the moment he became the eleventh potential candidate. Eleven - it's the number of candidates have already applied for registration in the electoral commission, the newspaper "Vladivostok". All in all, their desire to take part in the elections on September 8 said 17 people. 14 of them - from the electoral associations. The other three - self-nominated. - 14 electoral associations notified the Election Commission to hold conferences on the nomination of candidates, - Mykola Kichatov, secretary of the city election commission. - Of these, the majority of such events are held. The others still have time to conduct them, to determine the nominee and to apply for registration with the Election Commission. Submission deadline ends on July 29 at 18 pm local time. As for the self-promoted, then the probability of their nomination falls several times as they need to collect two thousand signatures. - In the holiday I'm not going to leave, I remain in the workplace, - said Igor Pushkarev. - The law allows it, but in a lot more work. This preparation for winter, and repair of roads, houses adjoining areas, the construction of sports facilities - things that can not be left. The city must live and grow, despite the election. Also, the mayor stated that the upcoming elections should be held as much as an open format. - I want the elections to be honest, so will return to the regional and city election commissions so that at each polling station were installed surveillance cameras - he said.

Опубликовано:   24-07-2013, 22:02      |      Категория:  eng news

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