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The long-awaited opening of the monument to Vladimir Vysotsky

The long-awaited opening of the monument to Vladimir Vysotsky The long-awaited opening of the monument to Vladimir Vysotsky in Vladivostok held on July 25 at 18 pm in the Theater Square at the address. Svetlanskaya 49. Administration of Vladivostok invites all residents of the city - fans of Vladimir Semenovich and just caring citizens - to open the musical sculpture of the poet and artist. Recall installing monument to Vladimir Vysotsky - a long-standing dream of the mayor Igor Pushkarev. Within two years, he, along with the artists and the creative community chose sketch sculpture. It was planned that the sculpture will be installed in Vladivostok in late July. The installation of the monument also supported artistic director of Academic Theatre named after Maxim Gorky Yefim Zvenyatsky, and the chief architect of Vladivostok Anatoly Melnyk said that the monument to Vysotsky awaited by many lovers of the great talent of the artist. To date, the production of the monument is finished, the sculpture has arrived in Vladivostok and set . Interestingly, shortly after the monument next to the sculpture will be engraved inscription - quote "Open closed port of Vladivostok" from the song of the great bard.

Опубликовано:   24-07-2013, 14:11      |      Категория:  eng news

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