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Strong wind and rain weather forecasters predict a seaside

Strong wind and rain weather forecasters predict a seaside Strong wind and rain forecast coastal weather forecasters on the next day. Due to difficult weather conditions the traffic police asks drivers not to travel in non-acute necessity. According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of traffic police in the Primorsky Territory, deteriorating weather adversely affects the road conditions and the number of accidents these days is increasing. In rainy weather reduces visibility on the road, the road surface is slippery, which provokes an accident. Drivers should avoid indiscriminate maneuvering of heavy braking and speed. In no case can not continue driving in the rain, if you stopped working windshield wipers or heavily contaminated with lights, especially at night. When complications of road conditions will be organized nomination reserve outfits DPS, regular surveys of the road network to identify the threat to road safety, organized detours, in addition to the most difficult areas of planned special exposure techniques. In case of violation of the officials of the rules and requirements aimed at stabilizing the situation in respect of them will be drawn up administrative materials. If you are involved in an accident or any unforeseen situation on the road, then at any time call the duty of the traffic police Primorye Territory: (8423) 2310-4082310-409.

Опубликовано:   24-07-2013, 13:58      |      Категория:  eng news

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