The names of the winners of the annual competition for
The names of the winners of the annual competition for a monetary incentive for teachers. Thousands of teachers, according to tradition, will receive the Teacher's Day 200000rubles from the federal budget. The winners will be awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. According to the press service of the Primorsky Territory Administration, among awardees - 48 teachers of the Far Eastern Federal District. As reported by the Department of Education and Science of the Primorsky Territory, with the largest number of teachers-winners-13 people - live in Primorye. Competitive selection was conducted in all regions of the Russian Federation, specially created competitive commissions with the assistance of independent experts: associations of trustees, alumni, advisers general education, advice, university rectors, heads of institutions of vocational education, trade unions, professional associations of employers, parents and other community associations. The basic principles of competition are transparency, openness and transparency of procedures and equal opportunities for the participation of teachers. The criteria for the competitive selection of the best teachers are the highest academic results of their students in the positive dynamics in the last three years, the highest results extracurricular work on academic subject, creation of conditions for the acquisition of teacher trainees positive social experience, providing high-quality education with modern educational technologies, with its own methodological of teachers, proven in the professional community, the continuity of the professional development of teachers. In 2013 the regional stage of the competitive selection was attended by about eight thousand people. List of awardees teachers (Primorye): 1. Yellin Olga Petrovna, the teacher of geography and economy of the secondary school "Leader 2" Nakhodka city district 2. Ermolenko Irina, a primary school teacher of secondary school № 1 «Polyus» Nakhodka city district 3. Kamyanskaya Tatiana, a geography teacher of secondary school number 74 in-depth study of aesthetic cycle Vladivostok 4. Inna Kaufman, a biology teacher of secondary school - a boarding secondary (complete) general education for the gifted department specialized programs Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service "5. Kotlovanova Svetlana, a primary school teacher of secondary school number 10 Arsenevsky Urban District 6. Kukhtinov Nikolay Vladimirovich, a physics teacher of secondary school number 1 village Novoshakhtinsky Michael Municipal District 7. Meshkov Irina, a primary school teacher of secondary school number 28 in-depth study of foreign languages, Vladivostok, 8. Svetlana Morozova, a teacher of history and social non-governmental educational institution "Boarding School № 29 (complete) general education of the Open Joint Stock Company" Russian Railways ". 9. Taranets Elena, a teacher of science and mathematics school № 29 Ussurijsk 10. Olga Tretyakov, high school math teacher Artyom number one urban district. 11. Shvorob Tatiana, a teacher of Russian language and literature 7Arsenevskogo number of urban school districts, 12. Yubko Galina E., teacher of mathematics, the foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics of secondary school number 3 city district Spassk-. 13. Olga I. Yakovenko, a teacher of music and fine arts secondary school number 1 Anuchino village. For the record: In the framework of the priority national project "Education" in 2006 providing support for the best teachers. The purpose of this event is to promote the teaching and educational activities for teachers, the development of their creative and professional potential. State support is made from the best teachers in the federal budget. Since 2006 the federal budget for the promotion of 44 thousands of the best teachers allocated 4.8 billion rubles. Money paid to the promotion of the best teachers in educational institutions implementing educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, for outstanding achievements in teaching activities that have received public recognition. A teacher who receives a cash promotion, has the right to re-engage in the competition no earlier than five years.
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