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The seminar will be held in the administration building of Primorsky

The seminar will be held in the administration building of Primorsky The seminar will be held in the building of the Primorsky Territory Administration (street Svetlanskaya, 22 1st floor). It will bring together 500 experts in the field of information technology. According to experts, the seminar will be an effective platform for sharing experiences regarding the implementation of the Federal Law № 152 - FZ dated 27 July 2006 "On Personal Data". The event will address the changes in legislation and policy on the protection of personal data in government agencies, organizations of various forms of ownership. Experts FSTEC tell what the requirements for regulatory authorities to the systems of protection of personal data. Presentations were also speakers from the Russian FSB, the Office of the Primorsky Roskomnadzora, representatives of leading Russian companies in the information technology (JSC "InfoTeKS", OJSC "Rostelecom"). According to experts, in the age of information technology, when the personal data of any employee organization and the citizen of the Russian Federation must be protected, and the responsibility for their safety rests with the state and private organizations, the leaders and experts raised questions about the methods of preservation of personal data. Federal Law № 152-FZ "On Personal Data" clearly defined sanctions for improper use and storage of personal data, but the problem of choosing the optimal technical solutions that fit all the parameters of protection remains open.

Опубликовано:   22-07-2013, 19:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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