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According to data from gauging stations, now

According to data from gauging stations, now According to data from gauging stations, there is now a trend to a decrease in the water level. Flood peak has passed. Flooding and no injuries were reported.

Опубликовано:   21-07-2013, 16:03      |      Категория:  eng news

Will be held in Vladivostok
18-07-2013, 17:00, eng news
August 18 this year in the capital of Primorye, a festival of food "Restaurant Day". "Restaurant Day" will be held in Vladivostok, "tasty" event takes place simultaneously around the world four times...
Buying a home - it's not just a choice of walls and the creation of
11-07-2013, 11:45, eng news
Buying a home - it's not just a choice of walls and the creation of home comfort for years to come. Important role in this is the help of experienced professionals. The experience and professionalism...
Villager arrested in Vladivostok when trying to sell a large shipment of hashish oil
13-05-2013, 12:20, eng news
30-year-old resident of the district Khorolskiy special trip by taxi to Vladivostok in order to find buyers for the party drug. During the arrest, he tried to provide resistance to the drug control......
With a blown ice in the Okhotsk Sea rescued 85 fishermen
28-05-2013, 16:20, eng news
Rescue operation continues. According to preliminary data, the ice is about 400 people. Just to save people involved 22 people and 10 boats......
One of the first who came to vote at the polling
8-09-2013, 09:51, eng news
One of the first to came to vote to the polling station on the street. Verkhneportovaya, 40 became an honorary citizen of the city of Vladivostok, the former commander of the Pacific Fleet,...
The repair of the street Fokine will be spent over 11 million rubles
22-05-2013, 12:31, eng news
Directions to repair the street Fokine in Vladivostok Directorate for Construction of Vladivostok in optratit intends to more than 11 million rubles. Fokin street in Vladivostok repaired on site,...
The region places a small to moderate rain. Wind north-west
22-07-2013, 12:17, eng news
The region places a small to moderate rain. Wind north-western moderate. Air temperature 18 30 ° C. In Vladivostok, partly cloudy, no precipitation. Wind northwest moderate. Air temperature 26 28 °...
From August 21 to September 12013 in Vladivostok
4-08-2013, 18:31, eng news
From 21 August to 1 September 2013 will be held in Vladivostok 8th Biennale of Visual Arts. This is a non-profit project created in 1998 to promote culture of the city and the region, the...
July 7 at the Golden Bridge in Vladivostok, 4000 people will dance
24-06-2013, 17:00, eng news
July 7 will be held in Vladivostok interesting and entertaining events dedicated to the city. Vladivostok to celebrate the City Day One of them - a grand Flashmob at Golden Bridge. July 7 at 12 am,...
In the Russian teams - 119 athletes from Primorye
14-05-2013, 14:30, eng news
119 athletes from Primorsky Territory became part of the Russian national teams in various sports. At the end of last year, our athletes won more than a thousand prizes at the Far Eastern, Russian...

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