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"Today is evacuated from the village of 109 people, 56

"Today is evacuated from the village of 109 people, 56 "Today, the village of 109 people have been evacuated, 56 of them - the children. Among the evacuees are three people with disabilities, and one patient, "- said in a statement on the website administration. It notes that the evacuation carried out by helicopters Mi-26 aircraft rescue center DVRTS Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Mi-8 GAU" Amur air base. "" Evacuated accompany psychologists TSEPP Far Eastern branch of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. Points of emergency psychological aid deployed in temporary accommodation in villages and Ivanivka Oatmeal, in See. Panic among the residents of the village is not "- informs the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It also said that the evacuees are placed with relatives in town See, temporary accommodation in the village of oatmeal, as well as in the central district hospital in Zeya. Meanwhile, according to the management at 11:00 am local time (5:00 MSK), the water level in the river Urca three hours decreased by 13 cm and 757 cm was


Опубликовано:   21-07-2013, 16:00      |      Категория:  eng news

Vladivostok rider Gregory Laguta became two-time champion of Russia on a speedway
23-08-2013, 14:31, eng news
At Thursday, August 22 in Balakovo in the Individual Championship Finals Russian speedway racing on dirt track Gregory Laguta the second time in his career won the title of champion. Renat Gafurov...
The Russian president has awarded a number of Primorye
29-07-2013, 18:30, eng news
The Russian president has awarded a number of Primorye high awards. Order "For Services to the Fatherland» I was awarded the degree of Stonik Valentine, Director of State Organization Science of the...
Maritime unions:
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Most Glowing situation occurred in the region in the coal industry, in medicine and education......
Bikers in Artem held a rally in support of the donation
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Кроме того, в зале в ближайшее время планируется установить
8-07-2013, 18:30, eng news
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In Terneisky area due to the passage of the cyclone
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Chinese cyclone spoil Vladivostok weekend
5-04-2013, 02:30, eng news
On most of the region is projected glaze effects in the form of wet snow on wires and trees......
ARIES will be in motion in the truest sense of the
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ARIES will be in motion in the truest sense of the word. Will plunge into the changes that will leave an indelible mark in your memory. Manifest interest to their own roots, religious, historical...
Russian Air Force celebrate today, August 12 its 101 th
12-08-2013, 23:45, eng news
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Festive buses took to the roads of Vladivostok. In Primorye, the traffic police car kits equip first medical aid. Season speedway will match
3-05-2013, 19:20, eng news
Information service of Radio "Lemma" - News in the full range!......

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