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Employees will be responsible for wages in envelopes

Employees will be responsible for wages in envelopes
Talk about a "gray" wages once again become relevant. Directors and accountants of the companies implicated in such payments, can be held criminally liable. Guilty face a fine of 100 to 300 thousand rubles, arrest for up to six months or imprisonment for one year. The sum of the cloaked is not important bill, which provides for a penalty for willful failure to pay by the income tax (the tax on personal income) already enrolled in the State Duma.

Incidentally, almost 81-81% of the companies operating in the market, the calculations are "the gray", trying in this way to minimize the premiums, which increased from 14 to 30%. And the number of such companies as compared to 2008 jumped by 3 times.

First Vice-President of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Engineers' Ivan Andrievskiy

- Talk about possible retaliatory measures against an employee are in a harsh tone. In fact, the government of the Russian Federation may offer to settle the revenue to a decent level? Competent policy on the level of wages, which, however, is now difficult to carry out. But for government agencies solve this issue, as opposed to private.

Russia - is a member of the WTO, but wayward and very conservative. Management of enterprises bankrupt by constant government subsidies are driving the industry to stagnate. In the case of Russia the sample in 2013 such steps to preserve national industry entail the disapproval of the EU, which has threatened legal action in the case of recycling. But these companies have some staff who need to pay salaries. We need to understand the process of national co-financing of enterprises in Russia. In one case, the government helps companies stay afloat. It is possible that the activities of the company makes a profit. However, it is sufficient only to bring revenues and expenditures to a common denominator. In another state transfers funds that go directly to staff salaries.

Recognize officially that the adopted development strategy of the state has led to the stagnation of the economy, now is meaningless. For this reason, and developed innovative ways of salvation of the national economy. The economy we have raw materials and investments of public companies focused primarily on the regions where either are the largest deposits, or their storage terminals. We can not decide for the management of Russian companies where to invest the net profit, but it requires an investment of time in Russia's social system, which is going through hard times.

Опубликовано:   19-07-2013, 19:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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