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One of the suspects - an unemployed resident of Vladivostok.

One of the suspects - an unemployed resident of Vladivostok. One of the suspects - an unemployed resident of Vladivostok. Potential bank clients man found in areas remote from the regional center of Primorye cities and villages. Prospective borrowers to guarantee a positive solution to the banking institutions for a loan, including the accuracy of the documents submitted. Lobbying for a positive decision of the bank, he demanded 35% of the loan amount. A package of necessary documents for the loan previously convicted preparing a resident of Vladivostok. A suspected forged certificates of personal income in the form of the bank, either in the form of 2-PIT, to which shall be false information about wages, employment, position. On the basis of the submitted documents, including fake certificates of income of an individual, representatives of commercial banks have taken the decision to grant the loan. Later, after the signing of all necessary documents, the borrower personally received the money. Detectives arrested the suspects due to the vigilance officer of the financial institution. Bank clerk studying applications of applicants for the loan in the amount of 200000 rubles, found in the documents provided signs of forgery and reported his suspicions to the police. During the operational activities of the employees of the department of economic security and anti-corruption detained two candidates for a loan, as well as the suspects in the fraud. A criminal case under article "Fraud," which provides up to six years in prison. According to intelligence reports, the actions of the suspects suffered not one commercial bank. Estimated damage exceeds 5000000 rubles. Police officials reveal additional episodes of suspected criminal activity. The issue of remand detainees.

Опубликовано:   18-07-2013, 17:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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